Author name: Esha

Hi, I’m Esha, a passionate psychologist and advocate for personal growth. Through my journey of self-discovery and transformation, I’ve spent years diving deep into the connections between mind, body, and spirit. I’m here to share insights on wellness, mental health, and personal development, blending scientific research with practical tools to inspire change in your life. Whether it’s through the latest findings in neuroscience or personal stories of overcoming challenges, my goal is to help you harness the power within to live a more fulfilling and balanced life.

Unveiling the Link: How People Pleasing Connects to Autoimmune Diseases in Women

Unveiling the Link: How People Pleasing Connects to Autoimmune Diseases in Women

The prevalence of ‘mystery illnesses’ among women, ranging from lupus to Hashimoto’s to fibromyalgia, is remarkably high. But why does this primarily affect women? Well, I’m not kidding when I say that I’ve witnessed numerous supposedly healthy women suffering from chronic ailments. However, the picture became much clearer when my own health began to deteriorate. […]

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Can We Influence Our Genes to Make Us Healthy?

Can We Influence Our Genes to Make Us Healthy?

Change requires great effort. Whenever we embark on the journey of understanding using the quantum model of reality and discover that we can influence our personalities and behaviors, the ability to change them for the better becomes apparent. The most frequent question that arises is: Can we influence our genes to promote better health? Or

Can We Influence Our Genes to Make Us Healthy? Read More »

Why We Overexplain and How to Stop It

Why We Overexplain and How to Stop It

I always felt an urge to keep talking on a topic without pausing for a second, whether I was on a call or having a face-to-face conversation. People noticed my anxiety while speaking; sometimes, it escalated to the point where I’d keep explaining something, ignoring my cooling coffee or even the need to use the

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What is the Disadvantage of Being Calm?

What is the Disadvantage of Being Calm?

We often find different reasons to be a calm person, but have you ever considered what is the disadvantage of being calm and how it might be detrimental to yourself? In today’s fast-paced world, the concept of being calm is often championed as an ideal state of mind. However, as serene as it may seem,

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How to Change Your Reality Using Quantum Physics

How to Change Your Reality Using Quantum Physics?

Exploring how thoughts shape our reality led me to discover the idea which explains how to change your reality using Quantum Physics. As a pragmatic person, I’ve embraced this concept, and now, I am sharing this life-altering science with you. Let’s understand the basis of our perceived reality. Reality is often perceived as a static

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How Our Personality Shapes Our Reality

Unlock the Secret: How Our Personality Shapes Our Reality (And How to Change It!)

Have you ever paused to think about how your personality might be shaping the reality you live in? I’ve often found myself wondering why certain patterns keep showing up in my life. The deeper I dived into this question, the clearer it became—our personality acts like a lens, filtering the world we see and experience.

Unlock the Secret: How Our Personality Shapes Our Reality (And How to Change It!) Read More »

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